10 Reasons Why Laravel Framework Is Just Right For Web Development

10 Reasons Why Laravel Framework Is Just Right For Web Development
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Web development is a vital process for any business, particularly if the application you invest in is a complex one. The choice of the right development platform can make all the difference to the quality and functionality of the application. When it comes to the choice of the right development platform, Laravel PHP framework emerges as a good option for businesses.

The fact that several top-notch brands have opted for this framework makes it a sought-after option. And there are plenty of valid reasons why laravel development services are considered apt from the business perspective. Before listing down these reasons, there is a need for a closer look at the framework.

Laravel at a glance

Laravel is a web framework specifically tailored to support web development using web resources, web services, and web APIs for diverse purposes. Based on the MVC paradigm, the framework is capable of delivering results accurately and quickly. An expressive and elegant syntax, which has the potential to ease and speed up the development process makes the framework stand apart. Further, it has a range of powerful features and a vibrant developers’ community supporting it as well. Now that you know what Laravel is all about, it is time to understand the reasons why it makes the right choice for web development.


Security is the main reason why Laravel is a preferred platform for web development. It extends a significant level of security parameters that are not available in other frameworks. The CSRF tokens it offers check every single request on the POST. Further, they provide protection from someone who may change POST to GET the request. This renders additional security for the framework. At the same time, the expertise of the Laravel developer also determines how secure the application is because this depends on the code and overall structure they create.

Lengthy programming becomes easy

Another reason why Laravel makes a great choice for web development is that developers can access Laracasts, the specialized learning and practice tools. These offer free tutorial and paid expert tutorials that are helpful for resolving complex issues through coding. Whatever content is available on the platform is developed by experts and provides structured instructions that enables the development of optimized solutions according to the business requirements. Lengthy programming definitely becomes easier with the information loaded on Laracasts.

Built-in project environment

Laravel framework provides an integrated project environment for the developers, making it easy to manage things. Once again, it simplifies the lengthy and complex programming tasks and makes them relatively hassle-free. This is because the framework provides a more structured and clear way of coding for web development requirements of diverse types. Ease and speed of development brings benefits for businesses that choose to invest in Laravel development instead of any other platform.

Libraries and configuration

in addition to providing a built-in project environment, Laravel also supports a multitude of development environments and aligns itself on the basis of the platform where the app runs. This is because the authorization libraries are integrated into the platform. Furthermore, Laravel libraries are empowered by auto-complete features, which do not exist in other PHP frameworks.

MVC support

MVC support is another factor which makes Laravel the ideal PHP framework for the development of web applications. A majority of the platforms lack in this context as they fail to provide support to MVC whereas Laravel emerges as the winner. MVC architecture improves the overall performance, renders better documentation, and offers multiple functionalities for the application, making Laravel development an attractive option for businesses.

Blade templating engine

The Blade templating engine is another distinctive feature of the Laravel platform. The engine is intuitive and works well with typical PHP/HTML code. Moreover, creating impressive layouts is easy as the templates are lightweight in nature. The developer can leverage the widgets of CSS and to create a good appeal and cut down the loading time of the website. Obviously, this translates into improvement in the search engine ranking.

Community support

By choosing Laravel to develop a web application for your business, you can avail extensive community support. This is because it is an open-source platform with a huge community of experts backing it up. So even if your Laravel developer or team gets stuck at any point during the development task, they can seek assistance from the community and resolve the concern as soon as possible. The chances of delay and bottleneck in the project are, thus, reduced to the minimum.

Unit testing

With this web framework, you get the advantage of Unit Testing as well. This makes the application easier to test and increases the chances of deployment of a flawless product. Apart from this test, several other tests are performed to avoid any unexpected breakdowns if a developer working on the project makes a new update at any point in time.

Database migration

One of the most challenging tasks for the developers is to synchronize the database with various development machines. Laravel aces on this front as well because it lets the developers share the databases with other developers in the team so that they can save time in the development process. This capability makes Laravel stand apart from its peer PHP frameworks.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Laravel and why is it used?

Laravel is a web framework which features expressive and elegant syntax. It attempts to make the development process smooth and effective by easing up the common tasks related to web projects, such as routing, authentication, sessions, and caching.

Is Laravel suitable for enterprise applications?

Any enterprise application is bound to have complex features, along with a component-based, distributed system. Laravel can be the right choice for building this kind of web app as it has all the right kind of features to handle a high level of complexity.

Is Laravel apt for e-commerce applications?

This PHP framework can be used for building a varied range of applications from scratch and e-commerce applications are one of them. It offers a range of features such as stability, scalability, flexibility, and easy customization that makes it apt for this purpose.

Is Laravel front-end or back-end?

Laravel is an MVC framework for PHP programming language. Therefore, you can use it to build a full-fledged web application, right from the front-end to the back-end. In MVC, Model denotes the database entity models, View(s) stand for frontend pages, and Controller(s) are the logic adapter which connect the Views with the Model.


With these insights, it becomes clear that Laravel is a great choice for your web development. Collaborating with a reputed Laravel development company is the best way to leverage the advantages of the framework. Look for one that is ready to create a custom application based on your bespoke requirements with the aim to resolve your challenges and add value to your business. OrangeMantra is a name you can trust to hire dedicated Laravel developers with the right skills and expertise. Connect with us to get started with your project.

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