5 Top DevOps Trends to Watch for in the Post-Covid Business Landscape

Devops Trends
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For the past 15 months or so, software and I.T. services have defined how businesses operate. As businesses of all kinds changed gears to digitize rapidly, DevOps services emerged as the top requirement. With digital becoming mainstream across industries, choosing the right software tools and methods has become more crucial than ever. DevOps enable you to do just that—using proven techniques.

Companies that use DevOps for software development and delivery have a better track record, both in speed and ROI. Besides, this approach makes the entire process more scalable than all other traditional methods. As most of you know, speed, cost, and scalability become the most critical factors in tech implementation during the pandemic. And DevOps services check all those boxes. In this post, we will discuss the most striking DevOps trends. But before that, you need to understand its mechanism.

How DevOps Enhances Your Digital Implementation

DevOps comprises software development practices, cultural philosophies, and tech platforms. Using the DevOps approach, tech teams can enhance their ability to deliver solutions more dynamically and at a higher speed. That means DevOps makes your development process faster than the organizations using traditional methods. With an increased velocity, you can better serve clients.

By embracing the DevOps model, the development and operations teams don’t work separately. Your development and operations teams can merge to create a single group of professionals. Such teams usually have engineers who work across the application’s entire lifecycle. From development to testing and deployment, everything happens in a workflow. With automation becoming more advanced than ever, DevOps services nowadays also include automated processes cut down manual efforts. Software development automation dramatically improves the overall speed by replacing manual processes that are usually slow.

DevOps trends for boosting your digitization project 

Below are some of the DevOps trends that could remarkably change the way you think about software development and deployment.

Adopting cloud-based software solutions 

A growing number of businesses today are implementing solutions that are built on a cloud environment. Cloud-based software environments, popularly known as “the cloud,” are more mainstream than ever. Even the organizations that have long managed on-premises systems are rapidly moving to the cloud. Whether it’s a Magento eCommerce site or Salesforce CRM, everything is on the cloud.

By the end of 2021, a whopping 80% of enterprises are likely to have a cloud migration mechanism in place, according to an IDC survey. As you can already guess, the pandemic-driven digital transformation accelerated cloud adoption. Mid-sized enterprises and large companies alike either migrated to the cloud or built new cloud-based infrastructure. And DevOps services played a critical role in all of these.

Shifting to a hybrid work model

With the coronavirus loosening its grip on the world, many teams are planning to get back to the office. But not the same way as they did before the pandemic. Instead, a significant percentage of the global workforce is now gearing up for hybrid word.

“A lot of people have learned that they can work at home, or that there are other methods of conducting their business than they might have thought from what they were doing a couple of years ago. When change happens in the world, you adjust to it,” said Warren Buffett, chairman, and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway.

A growing number of corporate leaders are planning ambitiously to adopt hybrid work. Companies are redesigning their workplace to accommodate the hybrid model. As we explained in a previous post,  hybrid work will likely dominate offices in the post-Covid world.

Maturation of software infrastructure automation 

With software infrastructure automation, teams can get rid of manual processes associated with design and development. With automation tools becoming commonplace, an increasing number of software engineers are now using AI-powered platforms to boost their coding capabilities.

For instance, agility-focused software development teams are increasingly relying on hybrid cloud infrastructure to ramp up the delivery and deployment of solutions. Business owners who hire DevOps engineers need to look for teams who use the most advanced breed of tools to get the desired outcome. That means you need to explore and analyze the use of AI, ML, and other evolved capabilities for your software development project. That brings us to the next DevOps trend.

AI- and ML-powered DevOps 

Like everything else in the world of software, DevOps services have evolved dramatically over the past couple of years. With businesses generating streams of data at an unprecedented rate, implementing machine learning has become easier than ever. Such DevOps models help software vendors to quickly analyze and use data of any volume or diversity.

Adopting AI and ML-powered DevOps approaches offer a flurry of advantages. For example, teams using AI-enabled platforms have better agility and shorter time to market for even comparatively advanced solutions. DevOps also allow teams to collaborate more seamlessly and build better products.

Embracing edge computing 

Edge computing is one of the most evolved computing models and relies on a distributed architecture. It enables applications to be stored in locations closer to end-users. That means they are located on the edge of the network. With the software industry getting more competitive, this model is catching up rapidly.

Organizations that want to deploy edge computing-based applications will need to revamp their infrastructure.  With data and resources stored in edge locations, users can experience a dramatic increase in speed and responsiveness, among other improvements.

Wrapping up 

DevOps remains one of the most dynamic areas of software development. That means this list of trends will not stay relevant much longer. With new trends and technologies emerging, these factors too will see a dramatic shift. Businesses that want to get the most evolved development approach should choose DevOps consulting services to get the desired outcomes. At OrangeMantra, we continuously calibrate our design, development, and deployment processes per the latest trends and technologies. You could hire DevOps engineers from us to build scalable and secure enterprise solutions.


1. How does DevOps work?

The DevOps model enables the development and operations teams to merge and operate as a single team. Under this model, developers work across the entire software lifecycle, from development and test to deployment. DevOps enables organizations to improve products faster than teams using traditional software development practices.

2. What is cloud ERP?

Cloud-based ERP is a type of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software that runs on a cloud computing platform, rather than on a business’s premises. Cloud or online ERP solutions offer great benefits in terms of cost and efficiency.

3. How much does it cost to build a business automation solution?

The costs of developing automation software depend on several factors. The choice of technology, development time, customized features, etc. play an important role in calculating the costs. OrangeMantra develops efficient devOps automation solutions at a competitive price.

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