What Makes These 10 Big Business Brands Rely On ReactJS Platform

What Makes These 10 Big Business Brands Rely On ReactJS Platform
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Technology trends shape the business ecosystem to an optimum extent. With the ever-evolving world of interest, the majority of enterprises like to embrace new and result-oriented technologies like reactjs. Amid that, there is always a dilemma of what to choose or what to leave.

Quite often, specifically, small and medium-scale companies that are getting ready to go digital or already there look up to big brands. What sort of technical choices that enterprise giants make? Which platform is designed by a particular big company? And things like that.

Well, if you too look up to big shot companies before implementing a technical solution, then follow do follow UI-related React JS development services for the project. ReactJS is a JavaScript library (most people implicate it as a framework) extensively used for developing an interactive user interface.

ReactJS is one of the highly acceptable libraries among leading brands like Airbnb, Skype, Instagram, Facebook (now Meta), etc. Additionally, other big companies will cover her that rely on ReactJS development and inspire others to follow the same.

What is ReactJS?

ReactJS is an open-source and declarative JavaScript library that is extensively used for the user interface development of websites and apps. Created and maintained by Facebook, ReactJS is a highly distributed choice of the library that helps build interactive UI.

The library is simple, free-to-access, fast, and scalable to build a feature-rich and engaging user interface. And that is one of the reasons big brands rely on ReactJS for creating an intuitive UI for maximum user interaction and conversions.

Which Big Brands Rely on ReactJS?

As already mentioned, ReactJS web development focuses on creating an interactive and attention-grabbing user interface for sites and apps. Thus, it implicates why internet gainst prefer this library for creating an intuitive UI.

One of the leading brands that prefer ReactJS development services includes the following few names.


Created by the Facebook company itself which is better known as Meta now. For the very first time, Meta utilized the ReactJS library for the creation of the Facebook social networking platform and Facebook Messenger App. And, no one can deny the humungous popularity, acceptability, and user-friendly appeal of Meta’s application user interface, fully based on ReactJS. Even some sorts of Facebook’s main pages are built using this particular library.


The globally popular and available, Airbnb is a short-term hotel booking and rental accommodation service offering brand. All across the world, Airbnb offers state-of-the-art rental hotel booking

services to people. The leading hospitality brand decided to utilize the ReactJS library due to the flexibility of its reusable components which resulted in the creation of React Sketch. app library.


The world’s renowned cab booking platform called Uber too relies on ReactJS web development. It is for the purpose of an already developed website and cab booking app. The leading application is available across 200 major cities and that too in 67 countries. Not only this but UberEats (online food ordering application) is also built using the ReactJS library to ensure high customer interaction.

The New York Times

The second most popular daily newspaper in the US i.e., The New York Times has its online publication platform. It has been recently developed using ReactJS as the major component of creating engaging UI. With this combination, the news brand has channelized a digital information platform for readers across the nation.


After the pandemic, the majority of people have not started binge-watching in their free time. And, no other online entertainment platform has more extensive users than Netflix. Ideally subscribed across 190 countries, available in 30 languages, and offers a wide choice of entertainment. Now, technically speaking, Netflix began accessing ReactJS in 2015 to provide an improved user experience. And, continue to do so till now.


A search engine that was founded way back in 1994, Yahoo made its leading position after Google. The very own Yahoo Mail relied on the combination of the different front-end technology stacks. It includes names like ReactJS, Node.JS, Redux, and several other frameworks. Even now, Yahoo depends on ReactJS platform for its improved in-app experience.


The San Francisco-based, file sharing and files synchronization company, Dropbox allows easy sharing of heavy files over the internet. Right now, the big-budgeted enterprise is using ReactJS for providing a user-friendly website and app experience.


Atlassian is a software development company that offers bug tracking systems, Confluence, and Jira platforms. The core of this platform relies on the ReactJS library that helps quickly deploy the changes across the platforms.


Asana is a project management website and mobile app for distinctive teams to assign tasks, track work progress, and manage work accordingly. The brand chooses to have the ReactJS library as an ideal option to fully revamp the front-end while addressing common user issues.


The famous retail giant availed the framework for the most amazing app that enabled them to render exceptionally high performance. Moreover, they were able to save time and resources as the app reused 96% of code between platforms.

The above-mentioned brands accessing the ReactJS library for effective UI development ensures a matter of trust. Thus, Hire React JS developers for your next website’s or app’s user interface and create it to be engaging and user-friendly.

Major Reasons to Choose ReactJS Development

Here, we are listing some of the best reasons why ReactJS web development is preferred by big and other digital brands alike.

Concluding Thoughts

Needless to say, the brand names that have invested in React Native for their mobile apps add a lot of credibility to this framework. More so, the variety of domains that these examples exhibit gives all the more reasons for using it for cross-platform app development. However, businesses need to partner with experts to avail the best benefits it offers.

At OrangeMantra, we are an industry leader that extends React Native application development services. We have an expert developer team that is capable of unlocking the enormous potential of this framework to build apps that add value to businesses.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the use of the ReactJS library?
The exact use of the ReactJS library is allowing the developers to build an intuitive user interface for a website or a mobile app. It is used to pay complete emphasis on user-friendly UI appeal to bring improved user experience.

2. Why ReactJS is not a framework?
ReactJS is not so good as a framework due to having so minimal functionalities. It deals little with the developer’s zeal to learn more about the framework and falls short in terms of dealing with complex issues. However ReactJS Platform is extremely beneficial and extensively implemented by big brands across the globe.

3. Is ReactJS front-end or back-end?
Of course, ReactJS is a frontend development JavaScript-based library that is used by developers to create engaging UI. Since the user interface reflects at the front of any website or application, so library belongs to the frontend development part.

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