Orange Mantra Shows Its Support To Digital India Programme

Orange Mantra Shows Its Supports To Digital India Programme

Orange Mantra Shows Its Supports To Digital India Programme

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Following Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India, who updated their Facebook profile pictures to emblazoned Indian tri-color, over half of the countrymen began to change theirs too, showing their individual support to the Digital India initiative. Does that really mean we all are in support to India being digitalized? A tri-color profile picture update has nothing to do with the initiative taken by PM Modi. It more likely requires a re-look at the promises done to clean the surroundings and the tenants that define the initiative in real-time.

PM Modi launched the Digital India Programme on 1 July 2015 with its sole vision to empower Indian people digitally. Orange Mantra supports this initiative taken towards bridging the digital segment of India and increase the investment in the technology sector of the country. OM looks forward to offering its services to the project to make the government services available online with assured safe and secure access to the resources.

Digital India initiative visions people to have the safe connectivity to the Internet and their bank accounts are given the priority. The villages across the country will have the high-speed Internet connectivity. We have a broad network of resources to help implement these plans and leverage the countrymen in different ways:

Global Response to Digital India Programme

At Orange Mantra, we believe in innovative ideas and implementing them to obtain practical solutions to realize our vision. Digital India programme also has the same approach to realizing the long-term vision of PM Narendra Modi to make the Digital India a reality.

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