In the fast-paced world of manufacturing, where innovation is the key to success, employee growth and development are non-negotiable. Our client, a leading manufacturing company, recognized the need for a transformative approach to learning and engaged OrangeMantra to replace their outdated Learning Management System (LMS). The goal was not just to upgrade but to innovate at the core, introducing gamification elements to make learning enjoyable and effective.
OrangeMantra team developed a cloud-hosted custom web application that incorporated access levels to cater to internal as well as external users. Admin portal provided for L&D team to upload the training content and monitor feedback in terms of likes, participation and comments.
Skills and certification tracking for measuring performance and improvement including offline certification for course completion. Tracking the skills learned and certifications completed empowers the company to report on employee progress, showing the immediate return on effort.
Mobile responsive to enable learners to participate in training from any location using whatever device they own. Gamification features engage learners and motivate them through the training modules. Dashboarding and reporting to review the effectiveness of the LMS utilization, courses, update to the course, etc.
Since the existing LMS was appropriate to manage formal compliance training but not much else, the key objective was to innovate it at the core. With no technological innovation in the methods/ approaches, models/ tools, the working and managing was losing their dominance. The legacy LMS was unable to serve multiple learning audiences, including external learners like distributors and customers. It was difficult for employees to train, difficult for admins to create roles, and difficult for managers to assign training correctly. Absence of dashboards meant that there was no standardized way to generate reports, making it difficult to automatically track and evaluate learner and manage performance.
The existing LMS was ineffective for addressing the diverse learning needs of the modern manufacturing workforce.
With the absence of technological innovation, the working and managing aspects of the LMS were losing their dominance.
Positive feedback from both employee and admins, especially the faculty training from mobile devices as it supports them to fit training in around their already hectic work schedules. Significant increase in the training uptake since the implementing of the new LMS, with very positive feedback on the gamification. Better utilization of the L&D team in terms of reduction in administrative effort and increased effort on training material preparation/support.
Client received positive feedback from both employees and administrators. Training from mobile platforms was appreciated, allowing training to seamlessly integrate into their hectic work schedules.
The new LMS implementation resulted in a significant surge in training uptake. The incorporation of gamification elements was particularly well-received by employees.
The client experienced better utilization, with reduced administrative effort and improved focus on preparing and supporting training materials.