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Flight Ticket Booking Platform for a Business Travel Management Company

The Story

Our client offers travel solution to users across the globe. Its core functionality is to integrate several reputed inventory providers to offer low ticket pricing and better seating availability. As they integrated with more vendors, it became challenging to navigate their platform. They wanted us to build the platform in such a way that the customers do not face any challenge during ticket booking. They had a specific list of requirements we needed to fulfil. We considered all their requirements and started our research work to build an ideal platform.

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The client needed an advanced airline ticket booking portal that would deal with high traffic volumes and enable secure payment. The existing version appeared to be poorly designed and didn’t work properly. The client is aimed at helping users navigate throughout their flight with ease, have access to the latest information. They need a centralized platform to keep all the flight information including airlines, schedules, gates, and layovers in a simple interface.


Our team took on the task of refining the existing software, fixing critical issues, and adding advanced features. To make it work as per client needs, we did an almost complete rewrite of the frontend and the backend. Choose the development tools to balance performance and created a cross-platform solution. Created an intuitive user interface and provide timely and distinct updates to flight information. Ensure the possibility of offline access and implement automated updates


The client received a stable online booking tool that speeds up acquisitions and boosts business growth. The uniformity in UI/UX helped non-tech-savvy users can easily book tickets, with little to no help. Added multiple vendors to platform via a single API, eliminating the need to build multiple integrations. With the implementation of server-side rendering that helped to improve search performance, brand visibility, and faster page loading.

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