Virus Scanning
Simple Definition for Beginners:
Virus scanning is a process of checking files, software, or systems for malicious programs called viruses to protect against infections and maintain cybersecurity.
Common Use Example:
Before downloading a file from the internet, running a virus scan ensures that the file is free from harmful viruses that could damage the computer.
Technical Definition for Professionals:
Virus scanning involves using specialized software or tools to examine files, documents, applications, and systems for the presence of computer viruses. Key aspects of virus scanning include:
- Signature-Based Detection: Comparing file signatures against known virus signatures to identify known threats.
- Heuristic Analysis: Using algorithms to detect suspicious patterns or behaviors that may indicate new or unknown viruses.
- Real-Time Scanning: Monitoring files and system activities in real-time to detect and block viruses before they can execute.
- Scheduled Scans: Performing regular scans on predefined schedules to ensure ongoing protection against viruses.
- Quarantine and Removal: Isolating infected files in quarantine and removing or disinfecting them to prevent further spread.
Virus Scanning