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XOR Encryption

Simple Definition for Beginners:

XOR encryption is a basic encryption technique that uses the XOR (exclusive OR) operation to scramble data. It involves combining the plaintext with a secret key using XOR logic, resulting in ciphertext that can only be decrypted with the same key.

Common Use Example:

A software application uses XOR encryption to protect sensitive configuration files. The XOR key is known only to authorized users, ensuring that the data remains confidential during storage or transmission.

Technical Definition for Professionals:

XOR encryption is a symmetric encryption method where each bit of the plaintext is combined with a corresponding bit of a secret key using the XOR operation. Key aspects of XOR encryption include:

  • XOR Operation: Performing bitwise XOR between each byte or bit of the plaintext and the key to generate ciphertext.
  • Key Management: Safeguarding the secrecy and integrity of the XOR key to prevent unauthorized decryption.
  • Strengths and Weaknesses: XOR encryption is simple and fast but may be vulnerable to known-plaintext attacks and key reuse.
  • Use Cases: XOR encryption is often used in basic data obfuscation, simple file encryption, and cryptographic protocols where speed and simplicity are prioritized.
XOR Encryption

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