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    Drive business insights to integrate innovation by consulting Data science developer.

    Our data science developer’s can smartly manage all your data needs to address business challenges. With the advancement in the latest analytics skills, quantitative tools, and other integral techniques, the team can bring major transformation in your workflow.

    Hire data science developer to leverage professional guidance including a communication expert, an analytical expert, and an experienced business advisor. Moreover, our developers are well-versed in creative skills and providing solutions to complex problems.

    Idea Valuation

    Our Wide Array of Data Science Services

    At OrangeMantra, once you hire data scientists, you can leverage diverse data science services. All these services are designed to deal with challenges posed by the data volume. Hire data scientists to have a robust strategy for your business revival.


    Data Science Consultation

    Our data science developer knows ins and outs of your business requirements and thoroughly consult you through the possibilities of the data science implementation.

    Data Strategy

    Data Science Strategy

    OrangeMantra data science developers helps to craft a business strategy to implement latest technologies to optimize your business processes.

    Data Visualization

    Data Visualization Services

    One of our core services include visualization of data collected in order to get a 360-degree view of the business processes and build future plans.

    Data Advisory

    Data Advisory Services

    Hire data science developer from OrangeMantra to make relevant use of important data to fix the issues and challenges impacting your business growth.


    Statistical Modeling

    Our skilled team of data science developers build a statistical model to keep a check on the datasets for in-depth insight for business expansion.


    Deploy ML Models

    Hire data scientists who can deploy Machine learning models that can grow and develop themselves to deliver business-oriented results.

    Connect with us if you’ve any data visualization related queries, and our team member will reach you in no time.

    Tech Stack of Our Data Science Developer

    Our team use best-in-class tools, next-gen technologies with modern approaches to get data insights for your business.

    • Python Python
    • TypeScript TypeScript
    • SQL SQL
    • C++ C++
    • JavaScript JavaScript
    • C# C#
    • Java Java
    • Swift Swift
    • GO GO
    • Bash Bash
    • SolarwindsSolarwinds
    • DatadogDatadog
    • AquafoldAquafold
    • SentryOneSentryOne
    • NavicatNavicat
    • SQLSQL
    • RazorSQLRazorSQL
    • Oracle RDBMSOracle RDBMS
    • FileMakerFileMaker
    • ClounchbaseClounchbase
    Data Analytics & Visualization
    • DatapineDatapine
    • StudioStudio
    • PythonPython
    • MySQLMySQL
    • SASSAS
    • ErwinErwin
    • TalendTalend
    • JenkinsJenkins
    • ApacheApache
    Machine Learning
    • TensorFlowTensorFlow
    • IBM Watson StudioIBM Watson Studio
    • Amazon LexAmazon Lex
    • Microsoft Azure MachineMicrosoft Azure Machine
    • LearningLearning
    • OpenNNOpenNN
    • Zoho AnalyticsZoho Analytics
    • HubSpot Marketing AnalyticsHubSpot Marketing Analytics
    • FineReportFineReport
    PM Tools
    • JiraJira
    • TrelloTrello
    • SlackSlack
    • AsanaAsana
    • Azure DevOpsAzure DevOps
    • Hubstaff TasksHubstaff Tasks
    Communication Tools
    • SlackSlack
    • HangoutHangout
    • Google MeetGoogle Meet
    • GotoMeetingGotoMeeting

    Schedule A Developer Interview and Get Right Talent Based on Your Requirement.

    Steps to Hire Data Science Developer

    Project Requirements

    Share Project Requirements

    Our first step starts with sharing your business requirements. Our team study your business needs and share the time, tech stacks and list of candidates to hire.


    Interview Our Candidates

    Make the right choice after screening through multiple candidates that match your business needs and are perfect fit to your team.


    Sign NDA & Get Going

    We have a proper non-disclosure agreement for hiring process. We ensure no data leak happens keeping whole project privacy on priority to begin development.

    Methods and Tools Used by Our Professional Data Scientists

    Statistical Programming Methods

    • SPSS Statistics
    • RStudio
    • JMP
    • Minitab Statistical Software
    • OriginPro

    Supervised Learning Algorithms

    • Regression
    • Logistic Regression
    • Classification
    • Naive Bayes Classifiers
    • Decision Trees

    Unsupervised Learning Algorithms

    • Hierarchical clustering
    • Probabilistic Clustering
    • K-means clustering
    • Principal Component Analysis
    • Principal Component Analysis

    Neural Networks

    • LSTM and GRU
    • Generative adversarial networks
    • Autoencoders
    • Deep Q-network (DQN)
    • Bayesian Deep Learning

    Why Hire Data Science Experts from OrangeMantra?


    Data Automation

    Streamline the data collection from different departments including sales, finance, HR, and marketing. Reduce the data visualization, mining life cycle and remove bottlenecks.


    Predictive Analysis

    We perform predictive analysis so that most relevant future trends are integrated for optimized performance. We properly employ historical and real-time information to keep you future-ready.


    Resource Optimization

    Why pay extra than what’s needed? Our data science developers will assist you on how and where to lower costs, that too without impacting quality. Grow your business efficiency with limited capital.


    Address Real-World Problems

    From analyzing customer requirements to focus on marketing strategies, we have solutions for all. We address problems that cause hurdles in business growth. Our clients are highly-satisfied with the offered services.


    Personalized Services

    Consumers look for personalized services, and we will guide you achieve it. You don’t have to stay behind your competitors. Move towards personalized services and give your customers what they need.

    Data Analytics

    Advanced Data Analytics

    Video analytics, image processing, business intelligence, and predictive analytics are all our core business services. Our developers offer comprehensive services and share regular progress reports that are easy to understand.

    Our Hiring Model

    At OrangeMantra, hiring Data scientists is simple. Addressing your project’s need, we have designed various engagement models.

     White Label Pricing Models
     Defining Objective

    On-Site Team

    You can hire data science developers from us to build a team that works at your location. We help you put together the team effectively. We have deployed developers successfully across across client locations.

     Ideation Stage

    Dedicated Team

    Build a team of your data science developers, business professionals, and software testers to work on your project. Based in our offices, the dedicated team will be responsible for your project execution.

    Creating Prototype

    Staff Augmentation

    Hire data science developer for your office location and keep them under your control. Augment your staff to fill the existing skill gap for particular time period along with improving development work.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    When you hire Data Scientist from OrangeMantra, you are free to opt the desired pricing model meeting your project’s requirements. We offer different hiring models, viz. hourly, monthly, and yearly.
    OrangeMantra follows a strict and streamlined process to hire Data Scientists. The pool of experts has only the most experienced ones who are skilled in all aspects. Our Data Scientists consultant have proper knowledge of all the business analysis, development, and operations.
    There are multiple benefits, the prime ones include
    • Give a boost to business growth
    • Provides real-time and accurate data
    • Lower your business operation costs
    • Get a proper feedback from the customers
    • Provides backup for data security
    Yes, at OrangeMantra there is a proper screening performed as a part of the hiring process. You have proper liberty to choose a perfect Data Scientist for your team from list of candidates. After a thorough screening process, you can hire Data Scientist.
    OrangeMantra has an immensely skilled pool of Data Scientists who can completely transform your business. Here are some of the top expertise that our Data Scientists have,
    • Data science consulting
    • Data advisory services
    • Data science strategy
    • Data visualization services