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Choose Us To Hire PHP Web Developer

Looking for PHP developers to build result-centric applications that add value to your business? Would you want to maintain an in-house team when you can hire PHP programmer to work on your project?

As the popularity of PHP for creating static and dynamic business websites increases, so does the demand for developers who possess the right skills and expertise in this framework. While you can hire and train an in-house team for creating your websites and applications, you can also explore the option to hire PHP developer or team to work dedicatedly on your project. With this approach, you can save the cost of maintaining a regular team and get the services of skilled developers to deliver a solution that matches your requirements to perfection.

OrangeMantra is a name that you can trust for engaging professionals with rich experience in custom PHP development while following agile work methodologies. Our flexible hiring models are ideal for businesses that want to hire PHP web developer to work on hourly, part-time, or full-time basis, all at competitive rates. You also get the freedom to choose the best resources from our talented pool of developers to ensure that you have those with right skills to match your requirements. Connect with us and we will suggest the best alternative for you.

What Makes Us Ideal To Hire PHP Programmers

An optimal combination of agility, reliability, and competence is the reason that makes us a dependable technology partner you can trust. Hire dedicated PHP programmers at OrangeMantra and leave the rest to us.

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Bug-free Coding

Get flawless, high-quality, and optimized codes which are written by expert PHP professionals to ensure that your application runs seamlessly.

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Agile Development

Not only do we deliver bug-free applications but do the same with great agility to develop them within the committed time frames.

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End-to-End Services

Hire developers with us and get end-to-end PHP services, all at one destination to save yourself the hassles of engaging multiple providers

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Seamless Communication

Have a dedicated project manager to handle your project and ensure seamless communication between you and your developer/team.

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Trust and Transparency

Avail access to Basecamp project management tool and stay in loop throughout the project progress for complete trust and transparency.

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Value Adding Solutions

Focus on delivering high- quality solutions that match your unique requirements and add value to your business.

Our Hiring Models

Explore our hiring models and hire PHP developer or team as it suits you

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Hourly-Basis Model

The hourly-basis model, also referred to as pay-as-you-go model, is meant for projects that are expected to go through extensive changes and additions during the ongoing development. It is apt for large businesses with support requirements.

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Dedicated Hiring Model

The dedicated model has a developer or team working on your project dedicatedly. It is meant for the ones that have little scope for changes while the project is underway and works for mid and large-sized businesses.

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Fixed Price Model

As the name implies, this model has a fixed price quote at the beginning of the project with accurate estimations for development cost and timelines. It is ideally suited for startup ventures and small businesses.

Our Process-How We Hire Hire Dedicated PHP Developer

Understand How Our Hiring Process Works. Just A Few Steps And You Have A Dedicated PHP Programmer Working For You!

Share Requirements

Start by sharing your requirements with us. Our analyst team will review them and suggest an apt solution to match your needs to perfection.

Detailed Discussion

We get back to you with questions and for detailed discussion on the project. Following this, we shortlist the resources deemed best for your project.

Finalize Team And Terms

You get the liberty to choose the developer or team for hire and then the terms and timelines for the engagement are mutually decided.

Pay And Get Started

Once everything is finalized, you make a part payment upfront and the developer or team chosen by you starts working on the project.

Do You Want To Hire Expert PHP Developers For Your Project?

Why Choose Us To Hire PHP Expert

Hiring PHP developer from OrangeMantra has several advantages. Here are some reasons that you should choose us


Our PHP team comprises resources that possess exceptional skills and experience in the entire versions and technologies.


We are committed to being constantly available to the clients throughout the project and provide post-deployment support too.


Get the business website and applications developed at a faster pace as we follow an agile approach while keeping quality as our priority.


Each project is handled by a dedicated project manager who communicates with the client and keeps an eye on the developer/team.


Avail the advantage of direct communication with the developer or team to share your requirements and give regular feedback as well.


Get daily reports on tasks and updates on project progress as we give you access to Basecamp project monitoring tool.

Happy Clients

Strategic partnerships with tech titans for delivering top-notch, future-ready solutions.