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Let’s Meet Up to Articulate Your Brilliant Product Idea into a Precise Scope of Work :

  • Aims at an effective interaction between you and our team deemed to generate value and knowledge sharing.
  • Arms us with all the relevant information needed to devise the best strategies for your project.
  • Lets you learn about work culture, technologies, and methodologies we use.
  • Comprehensive documentation of the scope work serves as a roadmap that guides you towards your end goal.
  • Helps us determine and select the best-fit technological stack for your project requirements.
  • Provides project delivery timeline and potential cost estimates.
  • Delivers the best outcome in the easiest, effective, and fastest manner.

We Stay with You Right from the Beginning Till the End

From getting to know each other to estimating time and cost to defining scope of your project, we conduct a scoping session that cultivates the best outcomes for your business.


User Story Creation

Estimation & MVP

Custom Roadmap Creation

We’ll Help You Design Your Business Idea Better

Before we allocate our team and embark on the journey of the project development, we would want you to share your raw idea, requirements, vision, and goals. After dedicating a considerable amount of time and effort on your idea, we craft your idea by offering you insights on user experience, business proficiency, and tech expertise.

Understanding Your Business

We believe in setting the right foundation for your brand. The preliminary information that you share with us helps us streamline the entire development process. With our understanding of your brand, requirements, visions, and goals, we strive to develop the best-fit product that gives you a competitive edge in the market. So, we commence the scoping session by asking you a series of questions so that you know who your potential users are, how you want to proceed, and whether we’ve understood your business requirements correctly or not. We equip you with the actionable insights and give personalized attention to address and analyze all your project concerns.

Scope Analysis of Your Project

After our venerable brainstorming and understanding of your business goals and visions, we head over to analyzing the scope of your project. We combine our esteemed years of experience with our technical expertise and knowledge to steer your project in the right direction. After envisioning the scope of your project, we help you visualize your business idea and its functionalities. We define your value propositions, features your product should have, and the scope of your project.

Estimation & MVP Outlines

This stage is an integral part of our product development process. We build a roadmap to your business success by shaping your ideas, outlining the MVP, and prioritizing your project milestones. We believe that this is the easiest, safest, and efficient way to ensure the success of your business idea. Of course, we will leave no stone unturned to deliver a product that exceeds your expectations. After our rigorous evaluation, we will provide you with the relevant estimations of costs and timeline of your project including all the materials we prepared for the scoping session. After all, they are all yours to review and use as you like.


Documenting your project scope is the last phase of our intensive scoping session. After sketching the project scope and drafting your idea, we move on to preparing detailed documentation of your project requirements, goals, and visions. We prepare a detailed Statement of Work (SOW) where we underline your defined project scope and a ballpark estimation of project timeline and cost.

Craft your business idea with us.

Our Remote Working Solutions Portfolio

Being a leading provider of software & digital transformation solutions, we’re committed to fight this pandemic with the help of technology. Our track record speaks volumes about our expertise.

Our Work

Reasons Why You Should Not Miss Out Our Scoping Session

We recommend scoping sessions to all our prestigious clients as they help us understand and shape your business idea better.

Custom Roadmap Creation

We work closely with you to understand your business requirements, visions, and goals to craft a custom roadmap that will guide us to deliver a technically-outstanding project.

Strategy & Recommendations

Our expert project managers will take all your project requirements into account to provide you with the best-fit development plan, strategies, and recommendations.

Project Management

Our top-notch project managers will make sure your unique business idea is translated into a technically-sound and actionable plan.

Experienced Professionals

We have a pool of experienced professionals who go the extra mile to make sure you have a better start to reap better outcomes.



If you’re planning to build an application, attending a scoping session will be a good start. You may share your app idea with our project managers and they will help you validate your idea and define the scope of your project. The main idea behind a scoping session is knowledge sharing. It allows our professionals to understand your business requirements, vision, goals, and streamline the project development process.
Yes, you do. Participating in a scoping session will help you ensure that you’re working on the right solution. A scoping session has a significant impact on the final outcome and encompasses all aspects of project planning and research, and helps in creating a custom roadmap that steers the project towards the end goal.
After the scoping session, you will be equipped with valuable project insights and a Statement of Work that outlines the project scope, estimated timeline and costs, and materials required for your project.
As a scoping session is an initial official interaction, the participants of our scoping session will be our Project Manager, tech team, and a UX professional who will share their experience and insights, and evaluate the project’s scope.

Have more questions in mind? feel free to ask us anytime.