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Business Decisions Made Easier With Reliable Big Data Analytics

Business Decisions Made Easier With Reliable Big Data Analytics

Big data has become the business buzzword today as enterprises are adopting an innovative approach to storing and using data. The immense volumes of structured and unstructured data are being treated as a business asset. However, there is a need to understand how this data can be used to one’s advantage. Businesses are thus adopting advanced big data solutions that are capable of leveraging it for delivering sustainable results. At OrangeMantra, we extend a broad set of big data services to enable the clients to compile disparate data and use it as powerful business insight for taking profitable business decisions.

We serve automated solutions that convert large amounts of complex data into user-ready data sets. This empowers the business owners and analysts to effectively collect, analyze, visualize, and manage data across multiple sources. Our solutions aim to transform the data sets into intuitive and useful visualizations, dashboards, and reports that serve as valuable business insights. With these impactful insights, the business owners can easily identify their strengths and weaknesses and take the necessary initiatives to bring about influential results.

Our Big Data Analytics Solutions Enable Our Clients to

  • Find the right data collection method that will form as the core element of your data-gathering strategy.
  • Perform comprehensive data analysis to extract realistic and actionable insights to overcome complex business challenges.
  • Implement thoughtfully-designed big data solutions to protect, grow, and tweak your business operations and gain a competitive edge in the market.
Big Data Analytics Solutions

Explore Our Wide Array of Big Data Analytics Services

Predictive Analytics

A predictive analysis encompasses a variety of data analytics techniques from data mining, statistics, modeling, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to analyze current and historical data to predict future behavior, patterns, and outcomes based on facts and figures. This forward-gazing technique is beneficial for businesses as it helps them to detect and combat risks, prevent fraudulent behaviors, discover opportunities, develop business strategies, and so on. Our team of experienced data analysts provides reliable predictive analytics that enables businesses to find patterns and recognize the potentials of their business value.

Data Visualization and Reporting

To obtain a clear understanding of the data, it is essential to represent data using interactive visualizations and filters. An intelligent and informative representation of data enables business leaders to extract meaningful information and use it to enhance their business strategies. Our data visualization professionals use their creativity and expertise to profile your data using various visual elements including bar charts, infographics, scatter plots, heat maps and other data visualization tools to provide you with an accessible way to unlock hidden value, identify and understand trends, uncover new insights, outliers, KPI’s and patterns in data and build your own data-driven decision support system.

Data Migration and Integration

Our team of data migration and integration specialists helps you to upgrade your databases and legacy system and reap the benefits of digitalization by migrating your existing business data and content through automated processes. Our team will work closely with you to help you optimize your data migration and integration processes to enable quick and easy migration with minimal disruption. With our effective data migration and integration service, we ensure that the system performance, security, and maintenance are carefully monitored within the stipulated migration timeframe.

Architecture Assessment and Advisory

From assessing your existing system and its drawbacks to architecting the infrastructure, implementation, support and maintenance, our complete suite of architecture assessment and data advisory solutions are meant to cater to all your business’ IT requirements. We are backed by a dedicated team of data advisories that is well-versed with the technical know-how and has the collaborative spirit necessary to perform an extensive assessment IT environment. Our team of data advisories will dive deep into your existing data to check the health of your information, identify potential risks and restructure its design.

Advanced Big Data Analytics

Be it enhancing the sales process or automating a manufacturing plant, we develop customized software solutions featuring ML. We leverage big data, predictive analytics, and other advanced techniques to create highly efficient enterprise solutions for clients.

Data Management

Machine learning is crucial to our fintech solutions. ML capabilities enable banks and other financial institutions to boost productivity. They also help financial services providers to prevent fraud, manage risks, and forecast profits and revenue, among other things.

We Hold Expertise in

Apache Hadoop
It is an open-source framework that is designed to provide massive storage for all kinds of data, process big data using MapReduce programming model, and solve problems involving massive amounts of data and computation across clusters of computers.
Apache Hive
Apache Hive is open-source data warehouse software built on top of Hadoop for querying, summarizing, and analyzing large datasets residing in distributed storage using a SQL-like interface. Using this service, SQL developers can also program Hive Query Language.
Apache Mahout
It is an open-source project primarily designed to produce free implementations of distributed or scalable machine learning algorithms that focusses on linear algebra. We can design the fully-functional business applications that will cater to the users’ demands.
Apache Pig
This tool is an abstraction over MapReduce that provides ease of programming, optimization opportunities, and extensibility. It is used to analyze larger data sets and our experts are well-versed with the know-how of the platform and offer the best-in-class service.
Apache Thrift
This open-source software framework has been designed for deploying Remote Procedure Call (RPC) in services, with scalable cross-language support. Our team of experts offers this framework for creating service for numerous languages. It is a mélange of software stack with code generation.
Apache ZooKeeper
It is an open-source project which helps to maintain distributed configuration service, naming registry for large distributed systems, synchronization service, and provide group services in a simple interface that prevents us from writing from scratch.
Apache Kafka
It is an open-source event streaming platform written in Scala and Java. It is an abstraction of a distributed commit log and is capable of managing trillions of events in a day. We hold expertise in developing grade event streaming applications and data pipelines.
NoSQL Database
It is a non-relational database that eliminates the use of a fixed schema, omits joins, and is easily scalable. It is primarily used for big data and real-time web applications. We are specialized in managing the database architecture efficiently and offer technical consulting, services and support for the same.

Partner with us and drive positive and measurable results for your business today.

Our Data Analysis Process

We follow an agile approach to make the best out of every decision made in different departments of your company. We are committed to delivering realistic and game-changing insights, analytics, reports, BI and predictive analysis with precision and diligence to solve existing as well as potential problems.

  • Data Requirement Elicitation
  • Data Collection
  • Data Cleaning
  • Data Analysis
  • Data Optimization
  • Implementation and Monitoring

What Clients Say


Data Analytics is the process of inspecting, analyzing, transforming, and modeling raw data to find patterns and trends to conclude that information and support decision-making.
The data analytics is used to make informed decisions and forecast outcomes. It helps businesses to decipher trends, patterns, and relationships within data to understand, explain, predict, and respond to market opportunities.
Data analytics process is an on-going process. Businesses should not ignore this vital aspect of their business strategy and rather adopt it as a regular business function. Business leaders should make collecting, cleaning, and analyzing data as part of their daily routine to tweak their business processes and make decisions. Most businesses implement when they face business challenges and think that solution lies within their data. If you’re ambitious to grow your business, now is the right time to implement an effective data analytics strategy in your business operations.