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Influencer Marketing App for Brands

We built user-friendly influencer marketing apps for globally leading brands. The apps have enabled easy connectivity between many brand managers and social media influencers. While brands can easily track and manage their marketing campaigns, influencers quickly get the projects of their choice. Our influencer marketing apps the success of numerous social media marketing campaigns. Read more about the feature-rich app.

Lead Management System for Enterprises
Lead Management System for Enterprises

Practo-type Appointment-booking platform for healthcare start-ups

Our omnichannel online doctors’ appointment booking solution has transformed the operations of many healthcare providers worldwide. We combined the power of website and mobile apps to create quick and easy access to healthcare services. Features like location-based services, personalized dashboards, and one-tap connectivity make our solution a top choice in the healthcare industry. Know more about the doctors’ appointment booking solution.

Telematics app for connected motorcycles

We built India’s first telematics solution for a globally leading motorcycle manufacturer. Our telematics solutions enable start-ups and large automotive companies alike to leverage technology to enhance their offerings. The solution connects motorcycles with the rider. It has drastically improved vehicle tracking and the safety of motorcycle riding. Learn more about our telematics solutions.

Lead Management System for Enterprises
Lead Management System for Enterprises

Airbnb-type property reservation solutions

The OrangeMantra team developed a hotel and vacation home booking platform. The solution has features and functionalities similar to Airbnb. It enables users to search for and identify the best hotels and guest house in a tourist destination. The platform also offers an array of exciting deals and offers. Users can book properties on the fly and pay securely using various digital payment options. It also made business operations more efficient for property owners. Know more about Airbnb-type solutions.