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CES 2021-Smart Face Masks, Next-Gen Wearables & Other Futuristic Tech Promises

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The Consumer Electronics Show 2021 took place on Jan. 11 -14. Like this years’ all-digital format of the tech show, its exhibits, too, were products of the pandemic era. It had to be that way. From smart masks to IoT-powered air purifiers and germ-killing UV gadgets, it was all about fighting COVID-19, The Wall Street Journal reported.

Every year, tech companies and entrepreneurs convene in Los Vegas to demonstrate new technologies that solve consumers’ problems. This year, most participants seemed focused on solving one problem: fighting the coronavirus — and preventing future outbreaks. Below is a glimpse of CES 2021 tech solutions that promise to deal with the most extraordinary challenge of the century.

Face masks that monitor your breathing 

AirPop, founded by Chris Hosmer, introduced a smart technology enabled mask that addresses human-made, pathogenic, and ecological threats. The front of the face-covering has integrated sensors. They can capture a spectrum of breathing-related data, including temperature and humidity. The smart face mask connects with your smartphone via Bluetooth. Its sensors give deep insights about your breathing, such as how much pollutants they blocked, the air-quality index, etc.

AirPop face masks redefine PPE by utilizing the power of emerging tech and data analytics solutions, among other things. The sensors also tell you how long you’ve worn the mask. Whether it’s pollution, wildfires, or a virus outbreak, these masks promise to protect you from everything. 

But hold on — the futuristic mask show is not over just yet! LG goes one step further. Its PuriCare Wearable Air Purifier mask also has built-in fans, HEPA filter, and an air purification system to ensure superior protection. The consumer electronics giant has relied heavily on wearable health-tech solutions to create this innovative product.

IoT-powered UV Disinfection Light

Targus launched UV-C LED Desktop Disinfection Light. It sits between your computer monitor and keyboard. The germ-killing device automatically turns on every hour and emits UV light for five minutes. The UV light kills bacteria, viruses, and fungus. It has in-built motion-activated sensors that keep you away from potentially harmful UV exposure.

But cleaning only your desk is not enough! The air around your workstation needs a cleanse, as well. The LG PuriCare Mini Air Purifier does that for you. You can connect it with your smartphone. Besides, it provides reports on indoor air quality. However, the air purifier is designed only for use in smaller spaces like your workspace area or car. Air purifiers and other home appliances have seen a rapid evolution prompted by IoT solutions and other emerging technologies.

Temperature-sensing doorbells 

Safety-aware consumers around the world have tried virtually every hygiene product to keep COVID-19 at bay. And maintaining a safe distance from infected people is key to reducing the risks of contracting the virus. The Plott Ettie video doorbell offers fever-sensing capabilities. It has an in-built infrared thermometer. It easily connects with an app that lets you see who is at your door. Using the IoT app, you can also check the body temperature of the visitor.

CES 2021 also featured the BioIntelliSense BioButton. It’s a medical-grade patch that relies on wearable app development company . The BioButton is an FDA-approved medical device that tracks temperature, respiratory rate, sleep, and heart rate.

How OrangeMantra helps you get futuristic 

We’ve been talking about — and working on — digital dominance long before the coronavirus hit. Our enterprise software applications are designed to make businesses future-proof. Having spent almost two decades building results-focused digital transformation solutions, we know how to best use software technologies. Whether it’s about creating IoT-enabled smart offices or using advanced data analytics, we’re poised to be your tech partner.

At OrangeMantra, we enthusiastically believe in the power of tech in transforming the future. And as we saw in 2020, technology is humanity’s only savior in the time of crises. We work with small, mid-sized, and large businesses alike to upgrade their tech infrastructure. Our solutions have helped hundreds of clients rapidly go digital and take their business to a new level.