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The Impact Of AI On Mobile App User Experience

The Impact Of AI On Mobile App User Experience: Fad Or Reality?

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Artificial Intelligence is perhaps the most disruptive technology of the current times. Essentially, it is bridging the gap between machines and humans by predicting the actions of the humans and assisting machines to understand these patterns and respond accordingly. Beyond the myriad use cases of various technologies encompassed by AI, businesses can also leverage this intelligence for designing user experiences, specifically for mobile apps.

Now the big question here is whether the impact that AI has on mobile app UX is fad or reality. Getting the answer to this question is essential for businesses that want to decide whether they would really want to invest in this technology for UI UX design and get any benefits from the investment. AI can actually drive the UX in a way that it can impact user relationships and business branding. Let us try and understand the role of this innovation in the context of mobile UX.

How AI takes mobile app UX to the next level?
By incorporating Artificial Intelligence into the UX design of the mobile app, designers can make them more user centric. Here are some ways they can do so:

  • AI is empowered with visual analysis capabilities that enable it to understand and predict the parts of the app that users concentrate on. This information is valuable for UX designers because they can focus on the design elements that really matter when it comes to increasing user engagement. Similarly, they can identify the repulsive elements and eliminate them.
  • AI can be used for tailoring the design individually for each user for enticing them to take action. It is just about making sense of the user data to infer their preferences and replicating them with perfect interfaces, colors, fonts, messages, and push notifications that suit the needs and expectations of individual users.
  • Besides the conventional design parameters, AI-based components such as chatbots and voice recognition are being integrated into the app designs for delivering personalized experiences like never before.
  • Beyond mobile UX, AI also serves as a great tool for web design services as well. The technology helps designers to create web and landing page designs that are in tandem with mobile app UX. Overall, this has a positive impact on design integrity and brand consistency.

Considering these facts, the combination of AI and mobile UX is becoming a great investment for businesses today. This becomes all the more important as the importance of user-centric app designs becomes evident and proven.

Which design elements you can enhance your app with AI?
Some design elements can be incorporated to your mobile app to empower it with AI. These elements are useful for tracking and understanding the user preferences and behavior and using them to re-purpose its design.

  • A criteria slider enables the users to adjust and fine-tune the recommendations based on the criteria that works for them. Further, the criteria chosen by the users is to be mapped to the data that is used in the matching algorithms.
  • Like and dislike buttons play a key role as users can choose them to share their feedback on the app. At the backend, the data so collected can be leveraged to build upon the recommendation system.
  • Giving the user In and Out option is another good idea as not everyone would be interested in feeding data in the AI system. Forcing them to do so may irritate them and they may even uninstall your app. So this option is useful for building a positive outlook for your app and retaining the users.
  • Another element that can be added to improve the app’s UX is a list of questions that will build their confidence in the app. For instance, shoppers returning goods on e-commerce apps may be asked to list reasons for returns. The users will probably appreciate the concern that is shown for them and will stick to the app.

How AI can be integrated with mobile app design?
AI is a complex technology and integrating it with mobile app design can be challenging. Yet the fact that this combination can serve immense value for your business makes it a valuable proposition. There are some principles and practices that are to be followed while amalgamating AI with UX design.

  • Rather than just focusing on numbers, the data used for bringing AI in design should be a mix of qualitative and quantitative data because human behavior cannot be gauged with numbers.
  • You need to follow a transparent approach while collecting the data and the users should know that they are providing it to be fed into an AI system. Giving them the option to change the data also ensures that they provide genuine information.
  • Instead of jumping straightaway into the design process, start with an MVP approach to iterate an AI-driven design and test it via beta testing to get direct user feedback first. Implement the design only when the test favors the MVP design.

Bearing in mind these principles, designing an app with AI appears as a complex task. If you want to invest in such a design, it is best to hire a professional mobile app development company for the job.

Now that you know everything about leveraging the powerful combination of AI and mobile UX design, it becomes easy to realize that this is a worthy investment rather than just a fad. Hence, it becomes critical to have a mobile app development partner that you can rely on for creating an empowering AI-driven app design. Orangemantra is a name that you can trust to hire android developer or iOS developer to create business apps. We offer a blend of conventional UX design and innovative technologies to create apps that deliver value for businesses. Share your requirements with us to leverage our expertise.