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internet of things

  • IoT-in-automotive

    IoT In Automotive: The Beginning Of A New Era

    The Internet of Things technology is no longer out of reach as IoT devices are more common than ever. They are being used in… Read More
  • Innovative Technologies That Are Reshaping Enterprises In 2019

    6 Innovative Technologies That Are Reshaping Enterprises In 2019

    As 2019 already approaches the halfway mark, things are getting more exciting on the technology front. Enterprises, in… Read More
  • Java For Enterprises: Versatility, Innovation, And Performance

    The two-decade-long journey of Java has been an eventful one, as it started merely as a programming language and today stands… Read More
  • java for iot and big data

    Java Plays An Evolutionary Role For Big Data And The IoT

    Over the last few years, businesses have realized the unmatched potential that data holds. With this, more and more of them… Read More