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Building Nestle’s Award-Winning Digital Child Nutrition Platform


Our client, Nestle, has always maintained a unique brand identity and exceptional growth in India. The company’s vast technical landscape calls for innovative services wherein OrangeMantra fits as a technology partner and consultant. They need a tech partner that could build, integrate, and deploy platform for child nutrition management. OrangeMantra being the leading digital transformation consultant, joined hands to ensure smooth and reliable services. By engaging parents, the solution would also ensure a competitive digital presence of the food brand.


Food & Beverages, Healthcare, Retail & FMCG


Enterprise Solutions, LMS/Communities/Products, Web Solutions

Our Process

Since Nestlé’s requirement was not like any other regular client’s demand, we needed the specific vision for starting out. This called for several initial meetups to get in sync with the client. Among all the requirements laid out, CIAM integration was one of the challenging tasks. Not only integration but implementation was another challenging part. We were directed to keep the marketing and consumer point of view in mind while introducing even a subtle change in the community website. We additionally needed to keep the cloud-based data-saving infrastructure in place to ensure smooth storage of the ever-expanding Nestlé community. All of this culminated in the form of a web-based app for moms. With features like custom meal plans, healthy recipes, and expert advice, we wanted a solution to be likable for all parents. And that’s not all. A growth tracker helps moms monitor the effects of nutrients. It relies on a database of the Indian Academy of Pediatrics.


We collaborated with the client to understand what actually they need in their digital child nutrition platform. Identified latest technology suite for the development.


Implemented latest design elements to improve user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) for user engagement. Prioritized visual features to bring personalized services.


Flawless code is developed to integrate advanced features based on the business needs. Adhere to the international standards with Agile development technique.


Deployed the child nutrition platform at client server by monitoring all performance and security challenges. Moreover, provided real-time support during troubles.

The Problem

Nestlé’s exceptional customer-oriented image was to be maintained while integrating tech solutions in the digital community platforms. The brand had always focused on being the best in the food and beverage category. To keep that image intact is challenging while redesigning the new community platform. Nestlé has been working with several agencies to manage different business verticals. But with no centralized point of contact for communicating with these agencies was hurting their overall business operations. In addition, understanding the target audience & end-user behavior across India was a deep concern. Needed a web platform to help parents deeply understand nutrition and ensure healthier childhood for their kids.

Our Role

  • Conceptualization
  • Design
  • Development
  • Deployment

Project Challenges

1. Data Collection Challenges

Nestle was facing challenges to gather valuable data on customer behavior, preferences, and trends. Without this data, they were not able to make informed business decisions and adapt to changing market conditions.

2. Limited Customer Engagement

Interacting with customers was a real pain for Nestle without digital community. They were unable to build relationships and address customer concerns. It was challenging to engage with customers effectively.


As a tech consultant to one of the world’s biggest brands, OrangeMantra provided the required services efficiently. We were able to bring in the right kind of exposure and trust in the services that the client was looking for. Nestlé already had a notable brand image that the company was looking to extend, which successfully resulted after OrangeMantra’s digital transformative services were well delivered. In addition, this is the first of its kind digital community focused on child nutrition & immunity. In-depth and easy-to-understand content that answers daily child nutrition questions. We successfully integrated a single user login to enable parents to access a Growth Tracker to track how their children are growing. Regular updates from experts are shared that answers daily nutrition questions.

1. Credibility and Trust

With presence of a professional and well-designed digital platform, Nestle was able to enhance a business’s credibility. Customers often trust businesses having strong online presence, considering it legitimate and reliable.

2. Data Analytics and Insights

Digital platform generate valuable data on user behavior, preferences, and trends. Nestle was able to use analytics tools to gather relevant insights, make data-driven decisions, and continuously enhance strategies.

3. Competitive Advantage

Nestle has an effective web platform bringing competitive advantage. Client embrace online trends and technology to stand out in the market, attracting consumers and staying ahead of competitors.

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