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Our Enterprise Conversational AI Services

Discover how our AI development services can revolutionize your customer engagement strategy and boost your business:

Chatbot Consultation

Our chatbot consultation team will understand your needs and objectives. Then, access your business processes, target audience and industry-specific requirements to recommend the best strategy. We’ll create a customized plan and let you know whether a customer support chatbot, a virtual assistant or an HR bot would be helpful for you.

Custom Chatbot Development

We specialize in creating personalized conversational chatbots solutions that can help you improve customer support, generate leads and enhance e-commerce experience. Our team builds chatbots that match your requirements and objectives.

Conversational AI apps

We develop conversational AI software solutions that integrate seamlessly with your existing systems. These apps are designed to automate tasks, answer queries and provide personalized interactions. Our apps ensure that your customers receive instant, accurate and consistent responses, enhancing their overall satisfaction.

Marketing Bot Services

We develop AI-driven marketing bots to engage, nurture, and convert leads into loyal customers. Our marketing bots help you increase conversion rates, reduce acquisition costs and boost ROI. It lets you create dynamic marketing campaigns that truly resonates with your audience.

Testing & Support Services

Our testing team ensures that your conversational chatbot solution stays ahead. Testing identifies issues and ensures a smooth user experience. The ongoing support includes regular updates, performance monitoring, and feedback analysis.

Chatbot Integration Services

We seamlessly integrate our Conversational AI solutions into your existing systems and platforms. Whether it's your website, mobile app, or messaging channel to ensure a smooth connection. It enhances user experience, improves engagement and efficiency.

Discover Our Tech Toolkit for Seamless Digital Advancement

  • Languages

  • MY SQL  Python
  • mariaDB JavaScript
  • java Java
  • swift Swift
  • ruby Ruby
  • c++ C/C++
  • php PHP
  • Tools & Frameworks

  • dialog flowDialogflow
  • ibm watsonIBM Watson Assistant
  • amazon lexAmazon Lex
  • microsoft botMicrosoft Bot Framework
  • bot pressBotpress
  • wait
  • sap conversational AISAP Conversational AI
  • System Integration

  • jiraJIRA
  • ibm integration busIBM Integration Bus
  • snap loginSnap Logic
  • talendTalend
  • microsoft azureMicrosoft Azure
  • apache camelApache Camel
  • mulesoftMuleSoft

Industries we cater to

Our Conversational AI solutions meet needs of various industries. Our AI powered chatbots help in Healthcare, Finance, Education, Retail, Travel and Automotive to enhance customer engagement, streamline operations and drive growth.

The Development Process for Conversational AI Services

We transform your vision into a functional and intelligent conversational AI solution that requires a structured and innovative approach. At OrangeMantra, we craft Conversational AI software solutions that ensures success of the project. Here’s the detailed overview of the development journey:

  •  Planning

    Discovery & Strategy

    Initiate the development process by gaining a deep understanding of your unique objectives, target audience and industry landscape. We listen to your ideas and challenges to align our strategy with your vision. We collaboratively define the specific use cases and functionalities your Conversational AI should encompass to ensure a clear roadmap for development. Furthermore, IoT development solutions collect and curate relevant data sources that help in developing effective AI models.

  •  Planning

    Design and Prototyping

    Our expert design team focuses on creating intuitive and engaging conversational experiences with the help of machine learning solutions and NLP. We prioritize user-centric design to ensure a seamless interaction for your customers. The interactive prototypes and dialogue flows that map out the user journey allows you to visualize the AI’s behavior before development begins.

  •  Planning

    Development and Integration

    Our AI experts develop, train and fine-tune the AI models that power your chatbot or virtual assistant. NLP services ensures the AI model understands and responds to user queries accurately. We seamlessly integrate the AI-powered chatbot into your platform and ensure it can communicate in multiple languages and across various devices.

  •  Planning

    Quality Assurance

    Our QA team conducts rigorous testing to identify and rectify any issues. We engage real users for testing to evaluate the AI’s performance, user satisfaction and fine-tune conversational nuances.

  •  Planning

    Deployment and Optimization

    We carefully transition your Conversational AI solution from development to live entertainment. This minimizes disruption and ensures a smooth launch. After launch, we continuously monitor user interactions, AI performance and collect user feedback. This data helps in making improvements, enhancing AI capabilities and user experience.

  •  Planning

    Ongoing support and evolution

    We offer ongoing and maintenance to keep your conversational AI solution up-to-date and secure. As AI technology evolves, we enhance your solution to ensure it stays at the forefront of conversational AI capabilities.

Unlock the Power of Conversational AI Today

Charting Our Path to Successful Conversational AI Solutions

We take immense pride in our accomplishments and the impact we had on our clients with our AI development services. Here’s a glimpse of our achievement:

  • 10+

    Countries Served

  • 15+

    Awards Won

  • 100+

    Happy Clients

  • 300+

    Apps Delivered

Why Choose OrangeMantra for Chatbot Solutions ?

When it comes to Conversational AI solution, making the right choice for your business is pivotal. We are your strategic partner in harnessing the power of AI driven conversations. Here’s why you should choose us:

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Frequently Asked Question

Conversational AI or chatbot development is the process of creating computer programs that can chat with people like humans. The chatbots can answer questions, give information and perform tasks through text or speech.

The cost of developing chatbot mainly depends on complexity and features. Simple chatbots may cost around a few hundred dollars. While, chatbots with advanced AI capabilities can cost thousands or more.

The time for building a chatbot also depends on complexity. It takes around a week to develop basic chatbots. On the other hand, the advanced ones may take around several months to design, develop and test.

A chatbot is a type of conversational AI. Conversational AI is a broader term that comprises of chatbots. Chatbots are specific application of conversational AI, designed to engage in text or voice-based conversations with users. Conversational AI encompasses a wider range of AI powered conversational systems that include virtual assistants and voice activated devices like smart speakers.

AI improves customer service by automating routine tasks, providing instant responses and enhancing the overall customer experience. AI can analyze customer inquiries, offer solutions and reduce waiting times. In addition, it gathers and analyze customer data to personalize interactions, making customers feel more valued and understood.

Discover the Future of Customer Engagement with Conversational AI