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Simple Definition for Beginners:

DevOps is a set of practices that combines software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops) to shorten the development lifecycle and deliver high-quality software continuously.

Common Use Example:

A company adopts DevOps practices to improve collaboration between its development and operations teams, allowing them to release updates and new features more quickly and efficiently.

Technical Definition for Professionals:

DevOps is a cultural and technical movement that emphasizes collaboration, communication, and integration between software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops) teams. It aims to automate and streamline the software delivery process, from code development and integration to testing, deployment, and monitoring. Key DevOps practices include continuous integration (CI), continuous delivery/deployment (CD), infrastructure as code (IaC), configuration management, monitoring and logging, and automated testing. DevOps leverages tools and technologies such as version control systems, CI/CD pipelines, containerization, orchestration platforms, and cloud services to achieve rapid, reliable, and scalable software delivery.
