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Simple Definition for Beginners:

Human-in-the-loop refers to a process or system where humans are actively involved in decision-making or operations alongside automated technologies like artificial intelligence or machine learning.

Common Use Example:

In email filtering systems, human-in-the-loop means that human reviewers check flagged emails for accuracy. If an email is incorrectly marked as spam, the human reviewer can correct the classification, improving the system’s accuracy over time.

Technical Definition for Professionals:

Human-in-the-loop (HITL) refers to a system or workflow where human judgment, intervention, or oversight is incorporated into automated processes or algorithms. In HITL systems, humans play a crucial role in validating, correcting, or supplementing automated decisions or outputs. This approach is commonly used in AI and machine learning applications to improve accuracy, handle edge cases, ensure ethical compliance, and incorporate human expertise and context into automated systems.
