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Security Champions

Simple Definition for Beginners:

Security Champions are individuals within an organization who advocate for and promote cybersecurity best practices, awareness, and initiatives.

Common Use Example:

A Security Champion conducts regular security awareness sessions, assists in incident response drills, and serves as a liaison between the security team and other departments to improve overall security posture.

Technical Definition for Professionals:

Security Champions are designated individuals, often from different departments or teams within an organization, who take on a proactive role in promoting cybersecurity awareness, best practices, and initiatives. These individuals collaborate with the security team to drive security culture, advocate for security measures, and facilitate communication between technical and non-technical stakeholders. Security Champions may participate in security training programs, lead security awareness campaigns, conduct peer reviews of security policies and procedures, assist in incident response activities, and act as mentors or advisors to their peers on security-related matters. They play a crucial role in fostering a security-conscious culture, enhancing threat detection and response capabilities, and empowering employees to recognize and address security risks in their roles.

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